ie 匯出至 Excel 時是亂碼 ? Why ?
2004-12-17 10:51:01 UTC
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) 在 ie 按滑鼠右鍵,匯出至 Excel 時是亂碼 ?
用巨集 Query 亦同。

但在 Window_ME & Excel_XP 中一切正常。 Why ? & Why ?

ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009

感謝提供協助 !!! Thanks a lot,
Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
2004-12-17 14:15:21 UTC
Š]¬°žÓºô­¶§@ªÌ°œÃi¡A§¹¥þšSŠ³«ö·Ó W3C ªº³W©wŒ¶Œg HTML¡A€Ö€F«ÜŠhÀ³žÓ­nŒgªº
HTML tag ¡AšÒŠp¡G»¡©úžÓºô­¶ªºœsœX¬°Šó¡H
Š]Š¹Šb XP €U¶×€J®É¡A·|šÏ¥Î UTF-8 ªºœsœX¶×€J¡A³yŠšŠb Excel €€Åã¥Üªº¬O¶ÃœX¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥tŠsÀɮתº€èŠ¡¡A±NšäŠsÀÉŠš .HTML¡AµM«áŠAŠæ¶×€J¡A§Y¥ižÑšMžÓ°ÝÃD

Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) Šb ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥XŠÜ Excel ®É¬O¶ÃœX ¡H
¥Î¥š¶° Query ¥çŠP¡C
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
·PÁÂŽ£šÑšó§U !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-19 12:21:02 UTC
Hi Mr. 卓,

Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (河明) still the
president of 資策會?He used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.

Let's back to the Office problem, 我實際上是寫VBA, 定期下載上千股票資料,在 excel 做分析,所以自動化是

問題是 同一巨集 (xl_xp) 在 Win_me 做web query,從不會出現亂碼 ‧

如何可以讓 Win_xp 如 win_me 一樣穩定的匯入 web data,也就是我要的網頁在 Ie-explore 是 big5 碼,
用 Excel_xp web query 匯入的也是 big5 而非 UTF-8‧For example, 可否修改 Registration
(執行 Regedit) ?
或經由巨集方式 ?

Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,

"Microsoft MVP 卓立民 for Windows" 來函:
因為該網頁作者偷懶,完全沒有按照 W3C 的規定撰寫 HTML,少了很多應該要寫的
HTML tag ,例如:說明該網頁的編碼為何?
因此在 XP 下匯入時,會使用 UTF-8 的編碼匯入,造成在 Excel 中顯示的是亂碼,您可以將這個網頁用 IE 以另存檔案的方式,將其存檔成 .HTML,然後再行匯入,即可解決該問題
Microsoft MVP
卓立民 (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| 若我的說明對您有幫助,請回應;
|| 若我的說明是錯誤的,亦請回應。
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Post by KH
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) 在 ie 按滑鼠右鍵,匯出至 Excel 時是亂碼 ?
用巨集 Query 亦同。
但在 Window_ME & Excel_XP 中一切正常。 Why ? & Why ?
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
感謝提供協助 !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-19 12:58:05 UTC
¬JµM¥Î Excel XP Œg VBA ¡A­n€£­nªœ±µÅý Excel ¥h¶}±Ò Web ©O¡H
§Ú¹L¥h¬Oªœ±µÅý Excel ¥h¶} Web ¡AŠA±q€€¶¡©âžê®Æ¡C

µù¡GExcel XP/2003 €äŽ©ªœ±µ¶}ºô­¶
Hi Mr. šô,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (ªe©ú) still
president of žêµŠ·|¡HHe used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, §Ú¹ê»Ú€W¬OŒgVBA, ©wŽÁ€Užü€W€dªÑ²Œžê
®Æ¡AŠb excel °µ€ÀªR¡A©Ò¥HŠÛ°Ê€Æ¬O
Ie-explore ¬O big5 œX¡A
¥Î Excel_xp web query ¶×€Jªº€]¬O big5 ŠÓ«D UTF-8¡EFor example, ¥i§_­×§ï
(°õŠæ Regedit) ¡H
©Îžg¥Ñ¥š¶°€èŠ¡ ¡H
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows" šÓšç¡G
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
HTML tag ¡AšÒŠp¡G»¡©úžÓºô­¶ªºœsœX¬°Šó¡H
Š]Š¹Šb XP €U¶×€J®É¡A·|šÏ¥Î UTF-8 ªºœsœX¶×€J¡A³yŠšŠb Excel €€Åã¥Üªº¬O¶Ã
œX¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥tŠsÀɮתº€èŠ¡¡A±NšäŠsÀÉŠš .HTML¡AµM«áŠAŠæ¶×€J¡A
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) Šb ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥XŠÜ Excel ®É¬O¶ÃœX ¡H
¥Î¥š¶° Query ¥çŠP¡C
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
·PÁÂŽ£šÑšó§U !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-20 07:43:04 UTC
璉璉 您好:

(問題列於最後,感謝提供意見 !!)
謝謝您的建議,雖然用 Workbooks.Open Filename:="web address"
開啟的仍然是亂碼(發現 win_XP 用的 Charset 是 windows-1258 越南文)
If ActiveWorkbook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then _
ActiveWorkbook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950

** 問題 -- 當 Workbooks.Open 執行時,Excel 會開一小視窗,
告知 "正在開起"(Title),是否可控制不要此告知訊息 ???
因為我習慣設定 Mouse 為選擇 Default Button,
此小視窗一出現(Active),Cursor 就被拉過去。

Awaiting for your suggestion!

Thank You & Merry Christmas for You,


"璉璉" 來函:
既然用 Excel XP 寫 VBA ,要不要直接讓 Excel 去開啟 Web 呢?
我過去是直接讓 Excel 去開 Web ,再從中間抽資料。
註:Excel XP/2003 支援直接開網頁
Post by KH
Hi Mr. 卓,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (河明) still
Post by KH
president of 資策會?He used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, 我實際上是寫VBA, 定期下載上千股票資
料,在 excel 做分析,所以自動化是
Post by KH
問題是 同一巨集 (xl_xp) 在 Win_me 做web query,從不會出現亂碼 ‧
如何可以讓 Win_xp 如 win_me 一樣穩定的匯入 web data,也就是我要的網頁在
Ie-explore 是 big5 碼,
Post by KH
用 Excel_xp web query 匯入的也是 big5 而非 UTF-8‧For example, 可否修改
Post by KH
(執行 Regedit) ?
或經由巨集方式 ?
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP 卓立民 for Windows" 來函:
因為該網頁作者偷懶,完全沒有按照 W3C 的規定撰寫 HTML,少了很多應該要寫的
HTML tag ,例如:說明該網頁的編碼為何?
因此在 XP 下匯入時,會使用 UTF-8 的編碼匯入,造成在 Excel 中顯示的是亂
碼,您可以將這個網頁用 IE 以另存檔案的方式,將其存檔成 .HTML,然後再行匯入,
Post by KH
Microsoft MVP
卓立民 (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| 若我的說明對您有幫助,請回應;
|| 若我的說明是錯誤的,亦請回應。
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
Post by KH
Post by KH
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) 在 ie 按滑鼠右鍵,匯出至 Excel 時是亂碼 ?
用巨集 Query 亦同。
但在 Window_ME & Excel_XP 中一切正常。 Why ? & Why ?
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
感謝提供協助 !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-20 09:23:05 UTC
这个帖子可能不合适。 单击以显示它。
2004-12-20 15:15:04 UTC

可否代為測試一次,並告知結果,感激不盡。sub test() 如下。
另,請問如何關閉所開啟之 Workbook ?
試過 xlBook.Close savechanges:=False,不可行
用 Workboos("http-------").close,不可行
只有ActiveWorkbook.Close 可行

Thanks & Merry Christmas to You,


Sub test()
Dim xlBook
Application.StatusBar = "File Openning"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set xlBook =
If xlBook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then xlBook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
' xlBook.Close savechanges:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.StatusBar = ""
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

"æ£æ£" 來函:
¥i¥H°Ú¡A¤£¹L«Øij§AÁÙ¬O§â Application.StatusBar ³]¤W¥h¡A½d¨Ò¦p¤U¡G
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.StatusBar = "¥¿¦b¶}±Ò xxx"
Set xlBook =
If xlBook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then xlBook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
Application.StatusBar = ""
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
æ£æ£ ±z¦n¡G
(°ÝÃD¦C©ó³Ì«á¡A·PÁ´£¨Ñ·N¨£ !!)
ÁÂÁ±zªº«Øij¡AÁöµM¥Î Workbooks.Open Filename:="web address"
¶}±Òªº¤´µM¬O¶Ã½X(µo²{ win_XP ¥Îªº Charset ¬O windows-1258 ¶V«n¤å)
If ActiveWorkbook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then _
ActiveWorkbook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
§iª¾ "¥¿¦b¶}°_"(Title)¡A¬O§_¥i±±¨î¤£­n¦¹§iª¾°T®§ ???
¦]¬°§Ú²ßºD³]©w Mouse ¬°¿ï¾Ü Default Button¡A
Awaiting for your suggestion!
Thank You & Merry Christmas for You,
"æ£æ£" ¨Ó¨ç¡G
¬JµM¥Î Excel XP ¼g VBA ¡A­n¤£­nª½±µÅý Excel ¥h¶}±Ò Web ©O¡H
§Ú¹L¥h¬Oª½±µÅý Excel ¥h¶} Web ¡A¦A±q¤¤¶¡©â¸ê®Æ¡C
µù¡GExcel XP/2003 ¤ä´©ª½±µ¶}ºô­¶
Hi Mr. ¨ô,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (ªe©ú)
president of ¸êµ¦·|¡HHe used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, §Ú¹ê»Ú¤W¬O¼gVBA, ©w´Á¤U¸ü¤W¤dªÑ²¼
®Æ¡A¦b excel °µ¤ÀªR¡A©Ò¥H¦Û°Ê¤Æ¬O
Ie-explore ¬O big5 ½X¡A
¥Î Excel_xp web query ¶×¤Jªº¤]¬O big5 ¦Ó«D UTF-8¡EFor example, ¥i§_
(°õ¦æ Regedit) ¡H
©Î¸g¥Ñ¥¨¶°¤è¦¡ ¡H
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP ¨ô¥ß¥Á for Windows" ¨Ó¨ç¡G
HTML tag ¡A¨Ò¦p¡G»¡©ú¸Óºô­¶ªº½s½X¬°¦ó¡H
¦]¦¹¦b XP ¤U¶×¤J®É¡A·|¨Ï¥Î UTF-8 ªº½s½X¶×¤J¡A³y¦¨¦b Excel ¤¤Åã¥Üªº¬O
½X¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥t¦sÀɮתº¤è¦¡¡A±N¨ä¦sÀɦ¨ .HTML¡AµM«á¦A¦æ¶×
Microsoft MVP
¨ô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±z¦³À°§U¡A½Ð¦^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥ç½Ð¦^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) ¦b ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥X¦Ü Excel ®É¬O¶Ã½X ¡H
¥Î¥¨¶° Query ¥ç¦P¡C
·PÁ´£¨Ñ¨ó§U !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-21 15:19:08 UTC
璉璉 您好:


1. 執行結果,訊息視窗仍然出現,我覺得奇怪,按照 DisplayAlerts 定義
理應沒錯,可是卻仍然無法避免訊息視窗的出現,Any Idea, Suggestion.
2. 有否辦法在開啟 web 之前,就設定 Excel 以 big5 來匯入?
3. 可否建議幾本書,或那兒網站,可學到真功夫。


"璉璉" 來函:
因為 xlBook.ReloadAs 會導致 xlBook 被釋放...
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.StatusBar = "正在開啟 xxx"
Set xlBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009")
sName = xlBook.Name
If xlBook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then xlBook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
Application.StatusBar = ""
Set xlBook = Workbooks(sName)
xlBook.Close False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Post by KH
可否代為測試一次,並告知結果,感激不盡。sub test() 如下。
另,請問如何關閉所開啟之 Workbook ?
試過 xlBook.Close savechanges:=False,不可行
用 Workboos("http-------").close,不可行
只有ActiveWorkbook.Close 可行
Thanks & Merry Christmas to You,
Sub test()
Dim xlBook
Application.StatusBar = "File Openning"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set xlBook =
If xlBook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then xlBook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
' xlBook.Close savechanges:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.StatusBar = ""
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
"æ£æ£" 來函:
¥i¥H°Ú¡A¤£¹L«Øij§AÁÙ¬O§â Application.StatusBar ³]¤W¥h¡A½d¨Ò¦p¤U¡G
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.StatusBar = "¥¿¦b¶}±Ò xxx"
Set xlBook =
If xlBook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then xlBook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
Application.StatusBar = ""
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
æ£æ£ ±z¦n¡G
(°ÝÃD¦C©ó³Ì«á¡A·PÁ´£¨Ñ·N¨£ !!)
ÁÂÁ±zªº«Øij¡AÁöµM¥Î Workbooks.Open Filename:="web address"
¶}±Òªº¤´µM¬O¶Ã½X(µo²{ win_XP ¥Îªº Charset ¬O windows-1258 ¶V«n¤å)
If ActiveWorkbook.WebOptions.Encoding <> 950 Then _
ActiveWorkbook.ReloadAs Encoding:=950
§iª¾ "¥¿¦b¶}°_"(Title)¡A¬O§_¥i±±¨î¤£­n¦¹§iª¾°T®§ ???
¦]¬°§Ú²ßºD³]©w Mouse ¬°¿ï¾Ü Default Button¡A
Awaiting for your suggestion!
Thank You & Merry Christmas for You,
"æ£æ£" ¨Ó¨ç¡G
¬JµM¥Î Excel XP ¼g VBA ¡A­n¤£­nª½±µÅý Excel ¥h¶}±Ò Web ©O¡H
§Ú¹L¥h¬Oª½±µÅý Excel ¥h¶} Web ¡A¦A±q¤¤¶¡©â¸ê®Æ¡C
µù¡GExcel XP/2003 ¤ä´©ª½±µ¶}ºô­¶
Hi Mr. ¨ô,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (ªe©ú)
president of ¸êµ¦·|¡HHe used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, §Ú¹ê»Ú¤W¬O¼gVBA, ©w´Á¤U¸ü¤W¤dªÑ²¼
®Æ¡A¦b excel °µ¤ÀªR¡A©Ò¥H¦Û°Ê¤Æ¬O
Ie-explore ¬O big5 ½X¡A
¥Î Excel_xp web query ¶×¤Jªº¤]¬O big5 ¦Ó«D UTF-8¡EFor example, ¥i§_
(°õ¦æ Regedit) ¡H
©Î¸g¥Ñ¥¨¶°¤è¦¡ ¡H
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP ¨ô¥ß¥Á for Windows" ¨Ó¨ç¡G
HTML tag ¡A¨Ò¦p¡G»¡©ú¸Óºô­¶ªº½s½X¬°¦ó¡H
¦]¦¹¦b XP ¤U¶×¤J®É¡A·|¨Ï¥Î UTF-8 ªº½s½X¶×¤J¡A³y¦¨¦b Excel ¤¤Åã¥Üªº¬O
½X¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥t¦sÀɮתº¤è¦¡¡A±N¨ä¦sÀɦ¨ .HTML¡AµM«á¦A¦æ¶×
Microsoft MVP
¨ô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±z¦³À°§U¡A½Ð¦^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥ç½Ð¦^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) ¦b ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥X¦Ü Excel ®É¬O¶Ã½X ¡H
¥Î¥¨¶° Query ¥ç¦P¡C
·PÁ´£¨Ñ¨ó§U !!! Thanks a lot,
Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
2004-12-19 13:10:07 UTC
Hi there,
Mr. Huang didn't work in III for a while.
That's back to your problem. I have no idea if you could let the homepage
makers follow the W3C's standard to make sure the homepages would be
imported by Big-5 coded, since the Win95/98/ME aren't implemented UTF-8
coded, therefore your programs work well in Win9x/ME but don't work well in

In a word, the problem was caused by the homepages themselves.

Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi Mr. šô,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (ªe©ú) still
president of žêµŠ·|¡HHe used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, §Ú¹ê»Ú€W¬OŒgVBA, ©wŽÁ€Užü€W€dªÑ²Œžê®Æ¡AŠb
excel °µ€ÀªR¡A©Ò¥HŠÛ°Ê€Æ¬O
Ie-explore ¬O big5 œX¡A
¥Î Excel_xp web query ¶×€Jªº€]¬O big5 ŠÓ«D UTF-8¡EFor example, ¥i§_­×§ï
(°õŠæ Regedit) ¡H
©Îžg¥Ñ¥š¶°€èŠ¡ ¡H
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows" šÓšç¡G
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
HTML tag ¡AšÒŠp¡G»¡©úžÓºô­¶ªºœsœX¬°Šó¡H
Š]Š¹Šb XP €U¶×€J®É¡A·|šÏ¥Î UTF-8 ªºœsœX¶×€J¡A³yŠšŠb Excel €€Åã¥Üªº¬O¶ÃœX¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥tŠsÀɮתº€èŠ¡¡A±NšäŠsÀÉŠš .HTML¡AµM«áŠAŠæ¶×€J¡A§Y¥ižÑšMžÓ
Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) Šb ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥XŠÜ Excel ®É¬O¶ÃœX ¡H
¥Î¥š¶° Query ¥çŠP¡C
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
·PÁÂŽ£šÑšó§U !!! Thanks a lot,
2004-12-20 07:03:03 UTC
Hi Mr. 卓,

Thank You again !
Your answers do help me a lot especially in pointing out where the real
problem comes from.
Just let you know that I found the strange character is charset of
windows-1258 (Vietnam).
It does supprise me. What do you think ? I think that Microsoft do have
room to improve
their product, making win_xp more smarter and stable for some function.
Agree ?

Again, Thanks,
Please let know if have any other suggestion,

Merry Christmas!

"Microsoft MVP 卓立民 for Windows" 來函:
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
Hi there,
Mr. Huang didn't work in III for a while.
That's back to your problem. I have no idea if you could let the homepage
makers follow the W3C's standard to make sure the homepages would be
imported by Big-5 coded, since the Win95/98/ME aren't implemented UTF-8
coded, therefore your programs work well in Win9x/ME but don't work well in
In a word, the problem was caused by the homepages themselves.
Microsoft MVP
卓立民 (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| 若我的說明對您有幫助,請回應;
|| 若我的說明是錯誤的,亦請回應。
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Post by KH
Hi Mr. 卓,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (河明) still the
president of 資策會?He used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, 我實際上是寫VBA, 定期下載上千股票資料,在
excel 做分析,所以自動化是
問題是 同一巨集 (xl_xp) 在 Win_me 做web query,從不會出現亂碼 ‧
如何可以讓 Win_xp 如 win_me 一樣穩定的匯入 web data,也就是我要的網頁在
Ie-explore 是 big5 碼,
用 Excel_xp web query 匯入的也是 big5 而非 UTF-8‧For example, 可否修改
(執行 Regedit) ?
或經由巨集方式 ?
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP 卓立民 for Windows" 來函:
因為該網頁作者偷懶,完全沒有按照 W3C 的規定撰寫 HTML,少了很多應該要寫的
HTML tag ,例如:說明該網頁的編碼為何?
因此在 XP 下匯入時,會使用 UTF-8 的編碼匯入,造成在 Excel 中顯示的是亂碼,您可以將這個網頁用 IE 以另存檔案的方式,將其存檔成 .HTML,然後再行匯入,即可解決該
Microsoft MVP
卓立民 (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| 若我的說明對您有幫助,請回應;
|| 若我的說明是錯誤的,亦請回應。
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Post by KH
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) 在 ie 按滑鼠右鍵,匯出至 Excel 時是亂碼 ?
用巨集 Query 亦同。
但在 Window_ME & Excel_XP 中一切正常。 Why ? & Why ?
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
感謝提供協助 !!! Thanks a lot,
Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
2004-12-24 15:29:31 UTC
œÐ°Ý±z¬OŠpŠóœT»{©ÒšÏ¥ÎªºœsœX¬O 1258 ŠÓ«D UTF-8 ©O?

Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi Mr. šô,
Thank You again !
Your answers do help me a lot especially in pointing out where the real
problem comes from.
Just let you know that I found the strange character is charset of
windows-1258 (Vietnam).
It does supprise me. What do you think ? I think that Microsoft do have
room to improve
their product, making win_xp more smarter and stable for some function.
Agree ?
Again, Thanks,
Please let know if have any other suggestion,
Merry Christmas!
"Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows" šÓšç¡G
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
Hi there,
Mr. Huang didn't work in III for a while.
That's back to your problem. I have no idea if you could let the homepage
makers follow the W3C's standard to make sure the homepages would be
imported by Big-5 coded, since the Win95/98/ME aren't implemented UTF-8
coded, therefore your programs work well in Win9x/ME but don't work well in
In a word, the problem was caused by the homepages themselves.
Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi Mr. šô,
Thank You for the quick response and let me know what is the actual
problem facing me. with the professionalizm,You
deserve the title of MVP. by the way, Does Ho-Ming Huang (ªe©ú) still
president of žêµŠ·|¡HHe used be my boss
for over 10 years, when both we were working in HP.
Let's back to the Office problem, §Ú¹ê»Ú€W¬OŒgVBA, ©wŽÁ€Užü€W€dªÑ²Œžê®Æ¡AŠb
excel °µ€ÀªR¡A©Ò¥HŠÛ°Ê€Æ¬O
Ie-explore ¬O big5 œX¡A
¥Î Excel_xp web query ¶×€Jªº€]¬O big5 ŠÓ«D UTF-8¡EFor example, ¥i§_­×§ï
(°õŠæ Regedit) ¡H
©Îžg¥Ñ¥š¶°€èŠ¡ ¡H
Thank You Again in advance for your professional support and help,
"Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows" šÓšç¡G
Post by Microsoft MVP šô¥ß¥Á for Windows
HTML tag ¡AšÒŠp¡G»¡©úžÓºô­¶ªºœsœX¬°Šó¡H
Š]Š¹Šb XP €U¶×€J®É¡A·|šÏ¥Î UTF-8 ªºœsœX¶×€J¡A³yŠšŠb Excel €€Åã¥Üªº¬O¶ÃœX¡A±z¥i¥H±N³o­Óºô­¶¥Î IE ¥H¥tŠsÀɮתº€èŠ¡¡A±NšäŠsÀÉŠš .HTML¡AµM«áŠAŠæ¶×€J¡A§Y¥ižÑšMžÓ
Microsoft MVP
šô¥ß¥Á (Alex Chuo) for Windows Server
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¹ï±zŠ³À°§U¡AœÐŠ^À³¡F
|| ­Y§Úªº»¡©ú¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A¥çœÐŠ^À³¡C
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
(Windows_XP & Excel_XP) Šb ie «ö·Æ¹«¥kÁä¡A¶×¥XŠÜ Excel ®É¬O¶ÃœX ¡H
¥Î¥š¶° Query ¥çŠP¡C
ex: http://www.finet.com.tw/finance/inc.php3?select=fadata&id=3009
·PÁÂŽ£šÑšó§U !!! Thanks a lot,